“Words are seeds that do more than blow around. They land in our hearts and not the ground. Be careful what you plant and careful what you say. You might have to eat what you planted one day.” – Unknown
One more chapter…
Thirty Two weeks... Twenty Two hours of labor... Colton Thomas made his appearance. 5 Pounds 3 ounces 17 inches long. I remember the long night awaiting his arrival. Praying that the steroids that they gave me would be enough to help his little lungs. Hours after he...
Life is messy…
Its been a little crazy the last few weeks. However, I feel like I now substitute the word "crazy" for "busy" these days. In just a few short weeks, my third child will graduate from high school. That means for the past 3 years I have hugged my grown children and...
For the One Percent…
Let me tell you a little bit about a place located in Allentown, PA. It actually sits in Upper Macungie Township. One of the fastest growing townships in PA. Allentown is the fastest growing city in PA. This place has been doing ministry for 102 years in Allentown. In...
It’s Just Not Fair…
I was reading this morning the parable of the Vineyard worker found in Matthew 20: 1-16. Jesus is telling the story of a man who owned a vineyard who needed workers. So he went to the marketplace to find workers. He hired them through out the day and promised them all...
You see it’s election time…
Its election time... election time is where people cast votes for the person they like the best and sometimes for the one they think is the lesser of two evils. Its election time here for me too. People will get to cast a ballot, they will vote yes or no. They will...
to trust means less than ideal circumstances….
My word for the year is trust. I should expect circumstances that help me grow in my ability to trust. And really even though the plans aren't going like I thought, I still do trust Him. I believe that He has the best in mind for all of us. I don't doubt Him or His...