“Words are seeds that do more than blow around. They land in our hearts and not the ground. Be careful what you plant and careful what you say. You might have to eat what you planted one day.” – Unknown
Oops… you just thought you knew what was next…
Have you ever had a really good plan? I mean you knew that it was the best next step and you were prepared to take it? This year I laid out a plan. I wrote out a calendar. I even shared it with a few others. I knew the plan. I knew the best next strategic plan for...
Is anyone out there…
Not even sure anyone still reads this... I myself let days, week and sometimes months go without as much as even logging in... Blank pages are intimidating... Words are powerful...and relationships are hard! People write about all sorts of things these days. I find it...
30 Days of Gratitude… Day 1
Gratitude...something we take for granted. The month of November somehow gets overlooked as simply the time and space between Halloween and Christmas. But November is the month of thankfulness. I try to be grateful everyday but I try to really focus in November on...
Remember when we used to be friends…
Remember when we used to be friends? You know the kind of friends that see each other face to face. Plan time together that included coffee, laughs and sometimes a few tears. Or those times when a text or call would be the start of a long lengthy conversation solving...
Writing final chapters…
For all those mom's and dads that find themselves this time of year looking over the past 18 years and asking themselves "where did time go?" "how did my little boy/girl grow up so fast?" This year is the second year in a row I find myself reviewing 18 years of one...
The Journey is unexpected…
I wrote about Margin in my last post. It's my word for the year. Since then I have been walking the tight rope of scrambling and resting in finding my normal. I was recently speaking to some people who are allowing God to transform their lives in BIG, HUGE ways about...