Reflections on a Challenging Week

Reflections on a Challenging Week

It’s only Tuesday, but it feels like it’s been a week already. Maybe you can relate? This week, I’ve been struck by some harsh realities—my own mistakes, failures, and sins, and how they’ve shaped where I am today. I’ve also been confronted with the impact of others’ mistakes, failures, and sins on my life. Judgement can be harsh, whether it’s directed at others or at the person in the mirror.

It’s so easy to wrap ourselves in a cloak of regret, shame, and guilt, weighed down by the “what ifs” and “should have Beens.” But living a half-life filled with this cloak is not living at all. It keeps us from experiencing the joy of today and the hope of the future.

Through years of counseling (and probably many more to come), I’m learning to view life through the lens of grace—grace for myself, grace for others, and grace for each situation. This week, I was reminded that even with the best intentions, people can still get hurt and misunderstandings can happen. We often see only one side of a multi-faceted situation, filtered through our past, trauma, hurts, egos, and agendas. Hindsight, though humbling, can sometimes make us proud or arrogant, thinking everyone else was wrong. But who gets it right 100% of the time? If that’s you, don’t tell me—I probably won’t like you! 😂

This week has also reminded me of what I value. I’ve had a glimpse of what it must be like for God to look at us, as I looked at one of my kids. Tomorrow is another opportunity. We can choose our reactions to whatever the day holds. We don’t have to create drama where there isn’t any. We don’t have to fix things that aren’t truly broken. We don’t have to walk around defeated or clothed in regret. Tomorrow, we can do better than today. We can forgive ourselves and others. We can seek forgiveness and offer it.
Navigating The Waves of Unexpected Loss

Navigating The Waves of Unexpected Loss

This week on Gina’s Table, I delved into one of the most raw and vulnerable episodes yet. The unexpected loss of a loved one is always a profound challenge, but when it happens too early or under circumstances that are hard to understand, the pain can feel even more acute.

I wasn’t prepared for the depth of grief that came with losing my brother-in-law. The Colburn family has been a significant part of my life since I was 12 years old. They’ve been woven into the fabric of my story, and countless memories over the years. This loss has shaken me to my core, bringing a wave of emotions that I didn’t anticipate.

In this episode, I share my journey through this difficult time. I talk about the shock and disbelief that accompanied the news, the sorrow that has settled in my heart, and the moments of reflection that have brought both tears and a sense of peace. Grief is a complex and personal experience, and it’s something that we all navigate in our way.

Despite the heartache, I find myself clinging to the hope that God can bring new life and healing, even in the darkest seasons. This summer has been one of loss, but it’s also been a time of leaning into faith and finding strength in unexpected places. I hope that by sharing my story, I can offer a sense of solidarity and hope to those who are also walking through their own valleys of grief.

Recently, as I was seeking ways to celebrate this year—since “celebrate” is my word for the year—I was prompted to grab my Bible. I found myself in the book of Ezekiel, chapter 37. In this passage, the Lord speaks to the Prophet Ezekiel in the valley of dry bones, a place filled with death and decay. The Lord tells Ezekiel that these bones will come back to life. As Ezekiel speaks to the bones, they begin to rattle, shake, and form life. He then speaks breath into them, and they come alive.

This scripture has been incredibly powerful for me during this time. It reminds me that there is still hope, even in a season that seems full of grief and loss. I believe that this time will be redeemed, and that there will be life again—abundant life, filled with hope and joy.

Losing Benj was not just sorrow for my brother-in-law, and my husband losing his first best friend, but it was also the regret and doubt that plagued me. I questioned whether I had done everything I could have done, whether I had given up hope, and whether I had not done my part. I wondered if praying more or saying something might have changed the outcome. But in these moments, I remind myself of my humanity. I am not the Messiah; Jesus is. I am grateful for the hope that Jesus pursues each of us until our last breath. He knows our beginnings, our endings, and everything in between.

Join me on this episode of Gina’s Table as we explore the depths of loss and the glimmers of hope that can emerge from it. Let’s navigate these waves together, finding comfort in shared experiences and the promise of new beginnings.
The Healing Magic of Cobbler

The Healing Magic of Cobbler

The Healing Magic of Cobbler: Episode 13 of Gina’s Table

This week’s episode was an absolute joy to record. There’s something extraordinary about being in the kitchen, creating something delicious that brings people together. As I think about all the wonderful souls gathered around my table, my heart overflows with joy.

This summer has been a journey through loss and grief for me, but making cobblers to share has been a lifeline. It gives me a sense of control and purpose. Baking has always been my go-to stress reliever. If you see me kneading bread in the kitchen, you can bet some stress is being worked out. The beauty of baking is that it allows me to take a few simple ingredients and, in just an hour or so, create something complete and tangible. In a world where so many things feel unfinished, this is a small but significant victory.

But baking is more than just a stress reliever for me. These cobblers, and the other dishes I make time and again, have opened doors to new friendships and deepened existing ones. Jesus set a powerful example of this—whenever He had something important to teach, He often did it around tables and food. He understood the profound connection that happens when we share a meal.

I cherish the moments around the table. It’s where we share stories, laugh together, sometimes cry together, and create lasting memories. This week’s episode is a celebration of that magic. Join me in the kitchen as I whip up a cobbler and share the heartwarming stories of how this humble dessert has the power to heal and bring people together.

Tune in to Gina’s Table Episode 13: for a delightful blend of culinary magic and heartfelt connections.

Episode 10: Unlabeling: Embracing Identity Beyond the Titles

As we journey through life, we often find ourselves adorned with various labels. These labels can come from our professions, our roles in society, or even from the perceptions of those around us. They can empower us, define us, and sometimes, limit us. But what happens when we step away from these labels? What do we find at the core of our being?

Twenty weeks ago, I stepped down from a stage I had known for a quarter of a century. I left behind titles like Pastor, Preacher, Minister, and Reverend. Yet, despite shedding these labels, I found that they still clung to me, not just as titles, but as integral parts of my identity. It was a realization that while roles might change, the essence of who we are remains.

In this week’s episode of “Gina’s Table,” we delve into the heart of identity. We explore the labels that divide and the truth that unites. Jesus came to reconcile us, not to fragment us into isolated entities. When we let labels dictate our interactions, we miss out on the richness of community, the warmth of friendships, and the tranquility of peace.

This podcast began as a platform for conversation, for sharing the messy, beautiful reality of faith and life. It’s a space where we can question, laugh, and grow together. And as we conclude this chapter on labels, I share a personal story—a story of perceived failure, of wounds and healing, of rediscovery.

Failure is a label many of us know too well. It’s a shadow that can follow us, a weight that can feel impossible to shed. But it’s also a label that doesn’t have to define us. Our worth isn’t measured by our successes or failures, but by our inherent value as Children of God.

As I sat alone at the table these past weeks, I’ve wrestled with the labels I’ve carried. Some were self-imposed, others were thrust upon me. But in the quiet moments, in the presence of God, I’ve begun to see myself not through the lens of these labels, but through the eyes of grace.

So, as we wrap up this topic—for now—I invite you to join me at the table. Let’s set aside the labels that confine us and embrace the one true label that matters: we are made in the image of God, loved, valued, and called to be His children.

As you listen to this episode, I encourage you to reflect on the labels you’ve been carrying. Which ones serve you, and which ones are you ready to let go?

Remember, at Gina’s Table, there’s always a seat for you, just as you are.

Episode One: Gina’s Table- Notes from the Table!

Welcome to the inaugural blog post for “Gina’s Table,” a podcast that’s all about fostering community, embracing our authentic selves, and addressing the pressing issues of our time. In this post, we’ll delve into the themes of the first episode and explore the vision behind Gina’s Table.

I, Gina Colburn, the voice and spirit behind the podcast, I’m not just the host, but a fellow traveler on life’s journey. At 47 years young, I bring a wealth of experience from my 25 years in ministry and my rich family life. But it’s my passion for genuine connection that truly sets the stage for the podcast.

Gina’s Table isn’t just a metaphor; it’s a mission. In a world where stages and screens often dominate, I advocate for a return to the table—a place of intimate conversation, shared meals, and deep understanding. I share startling statistics about loneliness and isolation, highlighting the need for real, face-to-face community.

I envision a movement where tables become the heart of neighborhoods, fostering connections and providing a sense of belonging. I challenge listeners to create their tables, extending the warmth and hospitality that I have cultivated for years.
Gina’s Table is about action, not just conversation. With a commitment to partnering with local schools to eliminate lunchroom debt, Gina sets an example of how community tables can also be a force for tangible change.

From pop culture to parenting, from faith to food, Gina’s Table promises to be a space where all topics are on the menu. It’s a place where listeners can expect to engage with a wide array of subjects, always with a focus on inclusivity and understanding.

Perhaps the most powerful message of Gina’s Table is the call to show up as our true selves. I will share my own journey of shedding expectations and labels to embrace my own authentic self—a journey I invite you, the listeners to join.

As I extend a warm welcome to my virtual table, I encourage everyone to come as they are, with all their quirks, dreams, and stories. It’s an invitation to find community, to engage in meaningful dialogue, and to discover a place where everyone belongs.

Gina’s Table is more than a podcast; it’s a starting point for a larger conversation about community, identity, and shared humanity. As I say, “Let’s come to the tables… as we are. As you are.” So, pull up a chair, pour yourself some iced tea, and join the conversation at Gina’s Table.

This blog post aims to encapsulate the essence of the first episode of Gina’s Table and to invite readers to become active participants in this burgeoning community. Whether through listening to the podcast, engaging in local initiatives, or simply embracing their true selves, everyone is welcome at Gina’s Table.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I can’t wait to see where the conversation leads us next.

Welcome to Gina’s Table.